
Sample Sale March 7th

This winter, the studio makeover it has been what helped me the most to stay inspired, despite so many white skies and snowy days. I have never seen so much snow in my life! While we wait for spring to arrive in Boston, we rearranged the cotton ribbon spools by the color, designed new shelves  and a costom made ladder, painted the studio head to toe in white and two small black chalkboard walls, add some lettering by amazing studio assistant Rebecca Cahan and printed lots of adhesive labels to rebrand the cotton ribbon collection. We are ready for a new season! The Sample Sale is this Saturday, March 7th from 11 to 4, come and let us know what you think!


  1. What a beautiful remaking of both your space & your gorgeous lines of ribbons! The chalkboard is such a great, flexible background, for info/details and for your merchandise - not to mention your photos! I do wish I could see Studio Carta in person, but it will be fun to see future photos!

  2. Thank you for the sweet comment on our studio remake. I truly wish you could visit someday!
